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China international experience

From 31th January to 3th March 2013.

  Chinese Language Program was followed at Beijing International Chinese College (BICC) []
  Chinese language program focused on relevant “Survival Chinese”.

From 4th March to 24th April 2013.

 Internship program was followed at Gold Millennium Group []

Main activities:

  • Business development and business solution:

    - XXX project: The goal was to understand how our client could manage its trades all around the world (expecially in Iran and   North Korea) exploiting as much as possible its Chinese office.
    - XXX project: Understand if there are and how to exploit opportunities for estetic clinics in China.
    - China outbound tourism: Research about chinese outbound tourism towards: Latin America, East Europe, Morocco, Spain.
    - Estonia project: Research of data for several Estonian low-medium companies and provide an overview about Estonia-China trade and investment relationships.

  • Head recruiting:

    - Head recruiting process in China: from requested profile until the lists of best candidates.

  • Other training:

  - Trade-mark process in China, Statistics software about trading of goods all around the world.​

Acquired competences

 Working into international context; Chinese directive about the establishment of a new business, import / export and trademark registration; market research; business solutions; dealing with clients; basics in Chinese language.

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